4. Other Lands peopled by the Greeks

Date: 19 March 2024
Time: 11:36:05 CET
Topic: 4. Other Lands peopled by the Greeks
Tags: geography, Greece, Hellas, Hellenic cities, Asia Minor, Southern Italy, Sicily, Greek colonies, Mediterranean, Propontis, Euxine, Hellenes, Phoenicians, colonies, Asia, Indus


Greek Influence Spreads Beyond the Mainland

The ancient Greeks used the term "Hellas" to encompass a vast area that extended far beyond the borders of mainland Greece and its neighboring islands. This "Greater Greece" included:

This sentiment is captured in the saying, "Wherever were Hellenes there was Hellas," highlighting the cultural unity that transcended geographical boundaries.

A Mediterranean Rivalry: Greeks and Phoenicians

The western Mediterranean presented a unique challenge for Greek expansion. Here, they encountered the Phoenicians, another seafaring people with a talent for establishing colonies. This competition limited the opportunities for Greeks to establish a dense network of settlements in this region.

Greek Cities Blossom in Asia

Beyond the immediate sphere of the Mediterranean, the later periods of Greek dominance witnessed a remarkable flourishing. Magnificent cities, populated by Greek citizens and imbued with Hellenic customs, language, and religion, spread across vast swathes of Asia, reaching as far east as the Indus River Valley. This eastward expansion demonstrates the profound impact of Greek culture on a continental scale.

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