5. The Seven against Thebes

Date: 19 March 2024
Time: 15:18:55 CET
Topic: 5. The Seven against Thebes
Tags: Greek mythology, Seven against Thebes, Oedipus, Cadmus, Laius, Jocasta, Sphinx, Delphi, tragedy, Adrastus, Theseus, Argos, Theban Cycle, Epigoni, Greek heroes, mythological tales

A Cursed Dynasty: The Story of the Seven Against Thebes

The saga of the Seven Against Thebes ranks as one of the most captivating and tragic narratives in Greek mythology, surpassed only by the Trojan War. Here's a breakdown of the key events:

The Oracle's Curse and a Feared Prophecy

A Twist of Fate: A Rescued Child

Seeking Answers and Unknowingly Sealing His Fate

Unwitting Crimes and a Terrible Revelation

A Quarrel for the Throne and a Brother's War

Denial of Burial Rights and a Second War

The Epigoni: A Son's Revenge

A Legacy of Tragedy

This complex saga branches out into numerous tales, inspiring many of the greatest works of Greek tragedy. It serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of defying fate, the devastating consequences of unchecked pride, and the enduring burden of family curses.

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