2. The Twelve Olympians: A Council of Gods and Goddesses

Date: 22 March 2024
Time: 02:22:19 CET
Topic: 2. The Twelve Olympians: A Council of Gods and Goddesses
Tags: Ancient Greece, Mythology, Gods, Goddesses, Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hera, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hestia, Demeter, Romans

The divine realm of the ancient Greeks was governed by a council of twelve: six gods and six goddesses, each with their own domain and influence.

The Gods:

The Goddesses:

A Note on Roman Equivalents:

While the Romans adopted some Greek deities, their names and characteristics differed. It's important to distinguish between the Greek and Roman pantheons, as their mythologies were unique expressions of their respective cultures.

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