II. The Growth of Sparta.

9. The Ascendancy of Sparta
10. Social Hierarchy in Sparta
11. Thucydides’ Account of the Peloponnesian War
12. The Spartan Way of Life: A Gradual Evolution, Not a Sudden Invention
13. The Myth of Lycurgus: Lawgiver or Legend?
14. Spartan Power Structure: A Blend of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Limited Democracy
15. Spartan Economy: Land, Money, and a Focus on Military Might
16. Spartan Meals: Building Unity Through Shared Sustenance
17. Spartan Education: Forging Soldiers, Not Scholars
18. Spartan Training: Building Bodies and Indomitable Will
19. The Spartan Paradox: Masters of War, But at What Cost?
20. Sparta's Rise to Power: The Messenian Wars
21. Power of Sparta. — After having secured possession of Messenia, Sparta conquered the southern part of Argolis, and thus gained control of a long strip of the eastern coast of the peninsula. All the southern portion of the Peloponnesus was now subject to her commands.